Deanna Suarez
HOPE For Tomorrow Campus Director
Employment Specialist Supervisor
HOPE For Tomorrow Campus Director
Employment Specialist Supervisor
I started working for Hope Ranch Learning Academy in 2014 as a Teacher Aide in a high school classroom with students working towards a Special Diploma. Over the following 4 years, this group of 5 students quickly grew into the Hope For Tomorrow program focusing on developing independent living and life skills such as; work readiness training, OJT opportunities, finance management, health and nutrition and finding affordable housing. From 2017-2021 I worked as the HR & Bookkeeping Specialist for Hope Youth Ranch. In 2021, I was offered the opportunity to work for a Top Rated and Nationally Recognized staffing agency as a Staffing Consultant. During this time, I worked with a vast number of businesses and industries assisting in finding excellent talent and consulting on how to best address each business’s unique staffing needs, with a specialty focus on light industrial manufacturing.
I was also nationally recognized in 2023 as the “Top Advanced Recruiter” as well as being recognized for being in the Top 5 of “Contract Contributors in 2023” across the USA. In July of 2023, I returned to Hope Youth Ranch to run Hope For Tomorrow Employment Services as well as becoming the Hope For Tomorrow Campus Director.