School Calendar
Hope Ranch Learning Academy School Calendar / Parent Handbook

Parent Participation Requested – Save the Date Events
- Parent/Teacher Conferences - Held Quarterly (after school) to review student progress.
- Ice Cream Social/Awards - Held Quarterly to celebrate our student's accomplishments. All Welcome.
- Harvest Hoedown - Fall Celebration/Community event featuring vendors who cater to special needs students.
- Thanksgiving Potluck Luncheon - Students bring a dish (from their family heritage) to share. All welcome. No Cost.
- Christmas Play - Celebrating the Arts/Participation is for English grade and mandatory. Please invite friends and family.
- MS/HS Formal - Buffet Meal and Dance for Middle School and High School students.
- HOPE Jamboree - End of Year Recognition. Participation is strongly encouraged. Please invite friends and family.
- Bubbles for Autism - Come have fun and help us spread Autism awareness.